Posted by on April 5th, 2008 at 5:38 pm | 420,935 views

You can use this program to change your StarCraft CD-Key without reinstalling.

To change your StarCraft CD key, please close StarCraft and follow these steps:
1. Open the zip file and run SCKeyChanger.exe.
2. Click “Change CD-Key”.
3. Enter your Name and the new CD-key that you wish to use, and click OK.
4. Select the folder where StarCraft is installed on your computer, which most likely would be “C:\Program Files\Starcraft”, and click OK.
5. Done.

StarCraft CD-Key Changer (286583 downloads)

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13 years ago

i know is it for sc of sc2?

13 years ago


13 years ago

thx very much. I’m searchig for this prog.

13 years ago

I write this cs-key and my name. I turn on my starcraft and write to me that i need the game or a copy… Please write me what to do…Fast

13 years ago

What i must do because it doesnt work

13 years ago

Must i have another cd-key? Please write here.

13 years ago

When i write this key after this what i must do? Turn on starcraft 2 and play?

13 years ago

Actually, it does work. Perhaps you should invest in some patience…THANK YOU. May need to play around w/ the keys a little bit to find one that hasn’t been shoved into the void (minor details lol).

Much obliged!

13 years ago

Doesnt work for me. when i put in the 13 digits i want and click ok it says its invalid

13 years ago

it works but for me it took me over 200 cd keys to get the working one

13 years ago

Not for mac :'(

13 years ago

u guys are all stupid except for Mitchell and luke. whoever created this website is a stuipd cheap man

13 years ago

hOW TO USE IT? What should I write in a heading: Name? What should I write in a heading cd-key? Cd-key which is show in this page?

13 years ago

it doesnt work, i dont know why you writing crap

13 years ago

Did you use WinRaR? because you have to, thats why its a zip file

Key Log
13 years ago

IT worked

13 years ago

please guys this is a generator keys to use in battle net or what?

12 years ago

Try this:
When you’re asked for the install director it usually appears by default as
C:StarcraftStarcraftPut it to C:StarcraftThat way it should merge with the main mpq file, instead of keeping it in a separate folder.

12 years ago

I Hacked your lil program and Changed Everything So Now When i post my new link for 2013 everyone gets a working serial key u dumb fucks smh… Absolete infected Wins. bitches hahahahahaha

10 years ago

Shut the hell up shills, jews, retards and everyone else who says this crap works. Holy fucking shit you’re so annoying when you hide under that tiny bush of yours.
You cannot replace a 60mb worth of MPQ with a crappy 160kb.
It doesn’t inject it into the file like it should because it’s a pile of badly designed garbage. Either you post something good or you fuck off.
Just reinstall Starcraft in a different folder and copy-paste your maps, people. Starcraft 1 takes five minutes to reinstall.

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