Posted by dOoBiX on April 5th, 2008 at 5:38 pm | 420,933 views
You can use this program to change your StarCraft CD-Key without reinstalling.
To change your StarCraft CD key, please close StarCraft and follow these steps:
1. Open the zip file and run SCKeyChanger.exe.
2. Click “Change CD-Key”.
3. Enter your Name and the new CD-key that you wish to use, and click OK.
4. Select the folder where StarCraft is installed on your computer, which most likely would be “C:\Program Files\Starcraft”, and click OK.
5. Done.
this program works perfectly thx for the dl….you ppl that say it does not work are retarded……… follow the instructions
Can anyone tell me pls how i can play offline.. i have an torrent version 😀 and it would not let me play offline without registration offline and i need a CD key.. where can i get it? thnx
I Already Download The Cd Key Changer But When I Use The Cd Key It SHows
An error has occurred.
The authentication key you entered has already been claimed.
Each authentication key can only be redeemed once. Please refer to your games section of the home page to review the keys attached to this account. If you’re sure you have not previously claimed this key, please double-check the spelling and enter it now.
For more information on authentication keys, please visit our Support Site.
i ned it
Where can I see the generated key??
is this sc 1 or 2
Followed instructions to the “T” and it keeps telling me that I entered an incorrect code to double check it and try again.
this most certainly does not work, dont listen to robert and matthew. i dont know why they are lieing but it DOES NOT WORK
How do you open mpq files hellp
This worked last year but now does not work. Look at the dates before you QQ.
DO NOT download this. Understand that they just want YOUR cd-key to steal it. And Robert and everybody else who says it works is probably the same guy who made this program.
it does not work to me and i follow the instructions as given it does not work its says u need 13 numbers u get 12 numbers!
it does not work… F U C K
Why not listen to them. It works, you have to enter the cd key which is on the previous page
Everyone this will not work. You cannot change your starcraft CD-Key Without Re-installing your game. The reason why is because it will only change the CD-Key, it won’t be able to run the program, and their can only be 1 file named “stardat.mpq” Your CD-Key is located and “hashed” into the flie “stardat.mpq”, this means that you will have to search inside it, you will probably have to find a program to read the files in it. This is probably the only way to change it so far, unless someone creates another program to make all of this easier.
im confused someone tell me how to do this plz
I put it in my folder and it still says undefind as my account and won’t let me access the find people function
this only makes my starcraft say change cdkey then freeze
join starcraft broodwar in “republik game”
heres the code for the BN gateway..,
name :RPG
Zone : 7
IP :
letsplay dude..!
use your BN gateway editor from warcraft 3..,
its new, and really lonely there..,
so please spread this things out..,
thx.., starcraft server..,