Posted by dOoBiX on November 24th, 2011 at 3:41 pm
I just realized that I haven’t uploaded Monikon’s Mini StarCraft to icyHell yet. In the previous posts about this, I just linked to the creator’s webpage. However, that website is gone now, thus I will host the file here for everyone to download.
For those who don’t know about this yet, this is a very small version of StarCraft Brood War that can be put in your USB drive so you can take StarCraft wherever you go! You can even play on if you use a valid CD-key.
Posted by dOoBiX on November 15th, 2010 at 1:37 pm
BlizzTV is a lightweight open source content aggregator made by Blizzard fans. You can use this to stream the latest game (i.e. StarCraft II) videos, vods, feeds, and events on your desktop. It’s only in beta version right now, and we should expect more features in later versions.
Official site:
Posted by dOoBiX on March 10th, 2010 at 12:58 am
How many of you guys had lost your StarCraft CD key before, but had the game installed on your computer and wanted to get the key back? Well, guess what? Now there is CDKeyBuddy for StarCraft v1.16.1! Use this tool to help grab your CD key out! Just open StarCraft, run this little program, and out pops a window with your CD key!
Read Me – Show ▼
CDKeyBuddy (6922 downloads)Posted by dOoBiX on September 28th, 2009 at 10:06 am
A new version of BWChart was released yesterday with a minor update. The program now has a checkbox for showing the in-game chat saved in the replays. Remember though, only replays since StarCraft patch v1.16.0 have saved chats.
Release Notes – Show ▼
BWChart (3428 downloads) Official Website:
Posted by dOoBiX on August 5th, 2009 at 10:48 pm
BWHF Agent was updated yesterday to version 2.50 which now includes a player matcher tab. If you haven’t heard of this StarCraft utility before, it’s basically a super-featured-packed version of BWChart. Anyway, this new feature allows you to pick a selection of replays from your computer to have the players analyzed and compared. The end result shown is a matching probability for the players. Download the program below and check it out!
Click the spoiler below to see the other changes since the last version:
BWHF Agent (3592 downloads)Official Website:
Posted by dOoBiX on August 5th, 2009 at 6:50 pm
BWChart, the amazing StarCraft replay analyzer program which I thought was dead, was actually updated 4 months ago on April 15th, 2009. Its update before this was from way back on March 16th, 2006 – more than three years ago! I recently found out about this new version from the official website and I haven’t posted about it yet, so here it is!
Version 1.04A adds support for StarCraft v1.16’s chat logs that are saved in replays. The creator, JCA, also fixed a few bugs, added smooth curves, and a new chart called “Map Coverage” which tells 2 things: 1. how much percentage of the map you have buildings on, and 2. how much percentage of the map you are moving units on. You can download BWChart v1.04A below.
BWChart (3395 downloads)Official Website:
Posted by dOoBiX on March 31st, 2009 at 2:40 pm
Smk and hjkhjkhjk have released AdvLoader version 2.3 for StarCraft v1.16.1. This program has many useful plugins such as in-game APM timer, replay with text, statistics information, observer mode, and more.
- after each BattleNet game shows last game statistics APM,EAPM (and more)
- save BattleNet chat log
- show APM in game and replays
- embed in-game timer (by default disabled)
- alarm sound if Alarm enabled and APM (after 2 min) fall below Low level APM.
- allow to watch hotkeys any selected player in replay
- Observer mode activates after 20 second if you have at most 1 unit(building). You can activate observer mode just in first 3 minutes.
- shows: mineral, gas, limit, progress bulding units,structures, upgrades; content of bunker and dropships and more…
- allow to select group of enemy units
- shows APM of selected player if plugin APMLive activated
- autosaver replay (autosave any game with length > 2min)
- RWT, save in replay game messages(chat) and service commands (like /ping). Work in any version SC, that supported by AdvLoader.
- enable\disable chat in game or in replay
- shows statistics for players in replay or obs mode (units, buildings, UPM – units per minute, RPM – resources(minerals) per minute).
- shows workers multikill (in replay or obs mode)
…and More!
You can check out the homepage at and download the program below!
Posted by dOoBiX on March 25th, 2009 at 9:14 pm
Check out BWHF Agent, made by András Belicza!
BWHF is a…
- …replay chart and analyzer tool for Starcraft Broodwar
- …Starcraft Broodwar hacker finder java utility library
- …client agent program to search for hackers and report them
- …hacker tracking system with a central hacker database
Pros compared to other launchers and detectors:
- This is not a 3rd party program! It does not modify Starcraft’s memory and it does not interfere with Starcraft in any way so there is absolutely no risk of getting banned by Blizzard or any server for using it.
- Since it does not modify Starcraft’s memory, it does not add new bugs and does not cause Starcraft to crash.
- It’s a standalone program not some kind of dll or bw plugin, so you can use it ANYWHERE (iccup, normal servers, LAN w/e) with or without any launcher. BWHF Agent is a launcher itself.
- You can start and close it at anytime (before or after starting Starcraft, before of after logging in to, before or during a game).
- It does not belong to a specific Starcraft version therefore it works after Starcraft updates without modification.
- You can repeat the scan process after game, and you can scan old replays.
- You can scan recursively entire folders of replays.
- Does not require Starcraft or any other programs (like BWChart) to be running or even being installed.
- It can report hackers automatically to a central hacker database.
- It’s open source therefore the risk of being/containing a malware/adware/virus is minimized (if you always download it from its original home page).
- Scan runs after games (it won’t tell you if someone’s hacking during the game).
- If you enabled reporting hackers, you have to manually change gateway when you login to another gateway (or else the reports that get sent will contain incorrect gateway).
For more information, see the official page:
BWHF Agent (3878 downloads)Posted by dOoBiX on September 14th, 2008 at 11:41 am
Two days ago, StarCraft was updated to version 1.15.3. Today Monikon has updated his Mini StarCraft Brood War to v1.15.3 too. For those who don’t know, this is a very small version of StarCraft Brood War that can be put in your USB drive so you can take StarCraft wherever you go! You can play on if you use the CD-Key changer to change the CD-Key to your own.
You can download StarCraft Brood War by Monikon 1.15.3 (92MB) from Monikon’s site:
Posted by dOoBiX on August 19th, 2008 at 10:13 pm
Here’s version 2.0d of Jailout2000’s BNGE! New features include Warcraft 3 support, a preview window for servers in StarCraft, and some other stuff you can read in the spoiler. This program also has the same features from the previous version: allows you to add/edit/remove servers for StarCraft/Warcraft 2/Diablo 2, put color and formatting to the server names, and restore the original gateways if your server list get messed up somehow.