Posted by dOoBiX on July 19th, 2011 at 7:49 pm | 6,696 views
Blizzard released a new patch for StarCraft II today! The biggest change in this version is that the North American and South American servers will now be linked together!
- Players from Latin America and North America will soon be able to play games together, add each other to their in-game friends list, and compete on the same ladder. For more information on region linking, please visit the official community site.
- Several performance and memory improvements have been made.
- “Player Left” messages will once again appear in replays.
- The Hellion’s Infernal Pre-Igniter upgrade icon has been updated (now with more blue flames!).
StarCraft II Editor Improvements
- UI errors will now go into a newly-created Error Display Message window.
- Cooldowns shorter than ¼ of a second no longer display on the command card.