Posted by dOoBiX on April 5th, 2008 at 6:33 pm | 11,198 views
This program lets you open protected StarCraft maps so you can view them in map editors.
Open Source Mapping Project (OSMAP) (3740 downloads)Posted by dOoBiX on April 5th, 2008 at 6:33 pm | 11,198 views
This program lets you open protected StarCraft maps so you can view them in map editors.
Open Source Mapping Project (OSMAP) (3740 downloads)
This program is fantastic, its unstoppable
Except for Tinymap2, or any higher-tier korean or chinese map protectors.
Icyhell, you are awesome. Just wanted to let you know that. Hope this Starcraft stuff stays up for a long time to come! Long live Starcraft!