Posted by on December 4th, 2010 at 6:06 am | 6,546 views

Blizzard has released a pretty big StarCraft II patch today – version 1.2.0 PTR. This includes many game changes, bug fixes, and new features. One of the most wanted features since SC2 came out is now available: Chat rooms! Unit/building hotkeys are now customizable, and there is an Extreme graphics option which is higher than Ultra. Check the spoiler below for the entire patch notes:

StarCraft II Patch 1.2.0 – PTR Notes – Show ▼

Note that this patch is only for testing in the Public Test Region right now, which is a completely different server from what we were normally playing on. To play in the PTR, you need to run the “StarCraft II Public Test” shortcut icon, and you will need to create a new character. Running the regular StarCraft II shortcut icon will just bring you to your normal server that you’ve been playing on, which is still v1.1.3 as of this post’s time.

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